KOHA is now pursuing sponsorship opportunities
League Profile
KOHA was founded in the late 70’s by Cec Westman, Doug Boudreau and Ray Noble with a mission for safe, high quality hockey that emphasized fun for all levels of adult hockey.
It’s still going strong today. Each year the 4 Teams of the KOHA membership play at Kerrisdale Arena and UBC. Safe play is definitely the key, and a little secret of our success is where you might end up playing against a teammate from last year. Like the NHL, we draft the four different teams (Blue, Red, White and Green) with the membership from year to year, we strive for balance and fairness, which means the personnel gets shifted around to different teams. The result is unbelievable camaraderie and sportsmanship, and games with a “great bunch of guys”.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Name the Teams:
1. Team Blue – Unsponsored
2. Team Red – Unsponsored
3. Team White – Unsponsored
4. Team Green – Unsponsored
Sponsorship Package Options:
Package #1 (The Gretzky) – 3 years
1. Name the team
2. Logo (custom)
3. Colours
4. Jerseys
5. Socks
6. Primary ads on website and business directory
Value: $3500.00
Package #2 (The Orr) – 3 years
1. Name the KOHA trophies
2. Primary ads on website and business directory
Value: $1200.00 (per trophy)
Package #3 (The Gordie Howe)
Business (name/logo) patch on jersey
1. League Patch
2. Team Patch
Value: TBD
Other Packages – 1 year
Prime ad space on our website and business directory
Level 1 “Pucks & Bottles” Package – $100
Level 2 “Helmet” Package – $200
Level 3 “Sticks” Package – $300
Level 4 “Skates” – $400
Level 5 “Management” – $500